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Susan Elena Matus (pronounced Ma'tuse) is an actor, writer, and filmmaker. Susan grew up among two diverse cultural backgrounds. Her father was a dance teacher from Nicaragua, while her mother, once a rodeo queen, is of Danish decent, the two met in San Francisco were Susan grew up. 


Her most notable credits, besides theatre, have been The Unit, CBS, recurring as Srgnt. Irvine, and a guest appearance as Officer Spence on The Handler, CBS with Joe Pantoliano. 

“When you come from two different cultures, your humanity has a larger scope. It also creates a kind of nomad existence, not completely belonging to one tribe or another, where the solitude of the journey fuels the imagination." 

In 2015 Susan wrote, directed and produced an award-winning short film, Waiting for You, which premiered at LA's Dances with Films. She also won Best Drama Short and Best Woman Filmmaker at the Hollywood International Moving Pictures Film Festival and was nominated for Best Director at Los Angeles Independent Film Festival 2015.


In addition to her training with renowned Meisner teacher Robert Modica in New York City, Susan is a graduate of the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York - and an honored recipient of the Charles Jehlinger Award.


A proud member of Women in Film, Susan strives to be a part of the new emerging females who are ensuring voices, especially those of women, are being heard with complexity and truth. She is currently writing her first feature length script.

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